Ahhh, dealers.

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Nov 2 15:26:49 EST 2001

Yeah, well, I stopped by the local dealership today to see if they had a
replacement for the fuel pump relay that went bad on my 200q20vt
yesterday.  Same relay for all the I5 turbo models, I believe.  He tells me
they don't have one in stock currently.  Apparently, they only keep one in
stock and somebody beat me to it within the last couple of weeks.  Local
price:  $40 plus tax (6%).  I have a pair coming from TPC for $19 each plus

At 02:51 PM 11/02/2001 -0500, Burl Vibert wrote:

>I just came from the local Audi VW dealer where I was looking for a
>turbo bypass valve to install in my 5000.  The regular parts guy
>wasn't there so the service manager was apparently filling in for
>He started looking under for parts under the 5000 menu, I explained it
>should be under the appropriate S4 menu. He then told me it couldn't
>be as the S4 was supercharged, not turbocharged.  I waited until I was
>safely in my car before LMAO.
>Burl Vibert
>1987 5kcstq
>Kingston, Ontario

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