Brake odds and ends I'm not familar with.

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Nov 6 08:26:41 EST 2001

Which Audi has brake drums?

At 04:28 AM 11/06/2001 -0800, Kate FitchGerald wrote:

>  I was checking the specs on the wear limit for my
>rear brake shoes.   The wear limit is 2mm.  Ok, I got
>the calliper and measured it.  However, what is
>included in the 2mm measurement.    This was unclear
>for an inexperienced person like me.  Is the 2mm only
>for the breaking part of the shoe that contacts the
>drum?  (The part that wears out.)
>Or does the 2mm include the part that wears out (I'll
>call it the wearing part) and that metal U strip that
>the wearing part is attached too.  (Forgive my use of
>words and the confusion, I don't know the terminology
>and its hard explaining this in an email
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