200TQA Bilsteins

Jon VonOhlsen jvosvan at rmi.net
Tue Nov 6 19:06:56 EST 2001

> Message: 11
> From: "Swann, Benjamin R.  (BSWANN)" <BSWANN at arinc.com>
> To: "'Eric_R_Kissell at email.whirlpool.com'"
>          <Eric_R_Kissell at email.whirlpool.com>
> Cc: "'quattro at audifans.com'" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: re. Bilsteins for 200q Avant
> Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 08:38:05 -0500
> Confirmed
>      [It is time to replace the suspension dampers
>      on my two type 44's.  I want to use Bisteins.
>      An archive search indicates that there was some
>      confusion about the rears required for the 200q Avant.
>      Can someone confirm that the following Bilstein numbers
>      are correct for my 1989 200 quattro Avant?
>      Front Part #: P36-0370
>      Rear Part #:  BE5-2593
>      Are these also the correct Bilstein numbers for my
>      1986 5000cs turbo quattro? Both cars are stock ride height.
>      It appears that there are two different threaded diameters
>      available for the rears. I want the direct drop-in parts
>      without any drilling or spacers required.
>      Thanks,
>      Eric R. Kissell
>      1986 5000cstq, 1.8 bar, K24
>      1989 200q Avant, 1.5 bar, K24
>      1987 VW GTI 16V, 1984cc]

I used those exact numbers on my early '89 200 wagon without any mods. I was
expecting some adapter or spacer mods but they just bolted in. Not sure on the
'86 altho my wagon is an early '89 which is very much like the '88 and older as
far as mechanicals.


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