Performance Problems -- 1984 4ks 1.8L
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Tue Nov 6 23:48:05 EST 2001
Feel the bottom of the multi-connection hose that runs along the side of
the valve cover toward the back of the motor. Squeeze the bottom of it
with your fingertips. Bet it's split.
At 08:33 PM 11/06/2001 -0600, b1biker wrote:
>I have had performance problems with my 84 4KS since early August. At that
>time I replaced the power mirror on the drivers side with one from a VW
>Quantum. In the process of re-wiring the plug I caused a short which blew
>the fuse for the power mirror circuit. When I went to start the car it would
>start, idle for a few seconds and then die. This could be repeated over and
>over. Prior to changing the mirror the car ran fine; although it did use
>some oil, bad stem seals on #3 cyclinder. After much fruitless diagnostic
>work on the CIS I took the car to my friendly mechanic. He discovered the
>rotor/cap to be bad. These were replaced but the car still would not run
>properly. It had difficulty in coming off idle and would not rev above 3k;
>it only reached that rpm with significant hesitation. The mechanic told me
>that he thought the problem was in the CIS and did not feel that it was an
>ignition problem. Since that time I have replaced the fuel pressure
>regulator and adjusted the position of the mass airflow sensor plate. Both
>of these improved the operation of the car but it still hesitated coming off
>idle and sputtered throughout acceleration up to about 4k rpm. I finally
>cxheckedc the plugs and found them carbon fouled. After cleaning the car now
>starts and idles fine, it accelerates well up to about 60mph, 4k in 4th
>gear. As I accelerate I seem to hear a sucking noise from the engine
>compartment but can not find a vacuum leak. The car has little or no power
>at 4k rpm and will not accelerate or even maintain speed in 5th gear. It
>also runs with the temp guage right at the top of the normal range; it used
>to run about 3/4 up into the normal range. I have not replaced the fuel
>filters but will be doing so in the near future.
>Questions: 1- Is it possible that the fuel pump is simply not delivering
>sufficient fuel?
>2 - Is it possible that the over-rich condition that fouled the plugs before
>I replaced the cap and rotor caused the catalytic converter to become
>What have I overlooked? Any advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>Gary Meier
>84 KS, 83 CGT, 88 5KSQ
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