Search for Rick and Quat needs

Marc Swanson marcswanson at
Thu Nov 8 12:01:35 EST 2001

>     From where I'm standing, those ARE the good deals.  I was quoted $48
> for the Cheaper tranny mounts and $75 for the Rear diff mounts.

that's very expensive.  go with TPC.. been doing business with them for years
and never ONCE has rod messed up an order.

> I figured
> if I was going to end up paying an arm and a leg, I might as well have
> gotten the good stuff. Was there such a thing as hydraulic mounts?

yes.  The type 44 turbo (and maybe NA as well?) mounts are hydraulic.  Ask
for mounts for an 87 5000 turbo quattro.  I know for sure those are fluid
filled... I'm sure many others are as well.

> Or am I
> thinking of something else?  Marc gave me the URL for TPC, so I'll try
> them.  If anyone else has any ideas, I'm all ears.

You could try blaufergnugen as well.. however
I can't say the same thing about "always getting the order right" about them.
 To make matters worse, just a few days ago I called to order a reman rear
brake caliper from them and was put in an annoying hold system where you have
to keep pressing a damn button to stay on hold (!!!).  No sale... I hung up
and called my man chris semple at force5 auto (
Also another guy that always gets the order right and he's more local to me


87 4ktq
88 90q

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