Eric Kissell

Alexander van Gerbig Audi_80 at
Thu Nov 8 22:42:48 EST 2001

    Been trying to email Mr. Kissell about my sister's shocks, but keeps
bouncing.  Maybe you have changed emails, if so here is the scoop...

>>>    Howdy!  I talked to my sister and she actually has the shocks in the
trunk of the 5000 in NY.  So she can ship them tomorrow if you want.  She
will be back in Cambridge on Monday, she can ship from there if you'd like.

Her address is:
Samantha van Gerbig
29 Putnam Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139

$210 total with shipping is what we settled on right?  Cheers!<<<


Alexander van Gerbig -- '90 90q20v -- '88 80t (R.I.P)

Euro Parts Prices----------------------------

The Audi  80 Pages---------

North Ferrisburg, VT 05473

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