Totaled 200q20V and Insurance

scott miller macatawa at
Fri Nov 9 12:11:57 EST 2001

>Two days before he did this stuff, I put new tires on it, new bushings >in
>the Sub-frame.  A mechanic put in a new rack.  The shocks are >nearly new
>and on and on and on.

If you have receipts, they may reimburse for recent repairs.  USAA did that
for me twice now, but they wouldn't let me keep the wrecks.  Local
enthusiasts practically stripped them before the wrecker towed them from my
driveway.  I saved a few parts.

>the insurance may not insure it

You should be able to get basic liability.  My wife is a daughter of a
repair shop owner (another plus), her family is always driving restored

Scott Miller
'90 200tqw
Holland, MI

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