grease stain

A.M. "TEX" Terry, II texactii at
Mon Nov 12 10:50:47 EST 2001

I have found that Go-Jo hand cleaner, in the small tub (about a pint size),
in the smooth white form, not the abrasive form, works very well on
removing all kinds of grease from cloth, BEFORE using any soap or water
compounds.  Just take a little dab, rub around on the spot with your
fingers (the heat of your fingers helps dissolve the cream into the grease
stain), then wipe the residue off with a clean cloth.  I have used this on
many of my suits, prior to sending them to the cleaners, and on many
clothes, with very good results.

Tex Terry, II
83 5kt sedan (non-quattro)
Franklin, PA

> On Sat, 10 Nov 2001 13:16:03 -0800 c a l i b a n <caliban at>
> writes:
> >
> >	2000 a4 - any suggestions for getting grease stains off the
> >	headliner?  the kind of oil/grease that lightly coats cold
> >	press steel when you buy it from the metal supply store.
> >
> >--
> >  rocky mullin - chaotic good
> >
> >  "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
> >   but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

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