anything out there that can disolve rust?

A.M. "TEX" Terry, II texactii at
Mon Nov 12 10:57:34 EST 2001

Rob - Have you tried using the pink liquid called "Naval Jelly"?  You
should be able to find it in the hardware stores.  This can be applied in
spray form or brushed on, then rinsed off.  Have used it many times to
remove rust coatings.

Tex Terry, II
83 5kt sedan (non-quattro)
Franklin, PA
> Message: 14
> Reply-To: <randrews at>
> From: "Rob Andrews" <randrews at>
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: anything out there can disolve rust?
> Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 07:28:08 -0600
> I'm not talking like WD40 where it can penetrate, but I have some surface
> rust on this old URQ in various places, and I was wondering if there is
> liquid type stuff I can spray on it and it would just disolve the rust.
> Probably not, but I figured I'd ask...
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Rob Andrews
> 99 A4 2.8QS   83 Ur-Q

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