Stubborn ABS sensors..

munrof at munrof at
Wed Nov 14 22:14:53 EST 2001

Hi Kris;

I had a similar problem getting a rear ABS sensor out of my '94 S4. I soaked it well with Walther Bolt-Out and pried it out using a screwdriver on each side to "walk" it out. Had to put successively larger shims under the screwdrivers as it came out. I don't know if your '96 uses the same sensors, but that's what worked for me.
I cleaned up the sensor and the expanded metal retaining sleeve and coated it well with antiseize compound when I re-installed it.

Fred Munro
'94 S4
> From: "Kris Hansen" <kris_j_hansen at>
> Date: 2001/11/13 Tue PM 08:25:29 EST
> To: "Audi List" <quattro at>
> Subject: Stubborn ABS sensors..
> 	Good evening all,
> I have been getting an error on the ABS system on our '96 A4q, so I decided
> to re-gap the ABS sensors.. Well, long story short, I can't get any of them
> out. What tricks have you found that will aid me? I am at a total loss here,
> seems that there would be a special tool or something...
> Any help will be appreciated..
> Thanks in advance!
> Kris
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