drop in fuel line pressure on shutdown

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Thu Nov 15 01:10:42 EST 2001

munrof at sympatico.ca writes:

> How do you know the check valve is good? The test for the check
> valve is fuel line pressure retention - if it drops rapidly, the

You put the pressure gauge on the fuel line from the tank, jump the pump,
run for a while, turn off pump and watch gauge for leakdown.  The only
place the fuel can leak down is through the check valve, or a leaking
fuel line.  You're only testing residual pressure from the fuel pump to
the gauge for this test, the rest of the fuel system is not pressurized.
I assume that's how his mechanic ruled out the check valve.

Cobram at Juno.Com
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