My girlfriend's bucking problem
Huw Powell
audi at
Sat Nov 17 00:57:49 EST 2001
> Whats being said here rings true with me. I had the 'bucking' problem
> with my 87 CGT. It was quite imtermittant but quite violent when it happened
> when opening the throttle at low speeds in a high gear...
> Both were cured with a new set of plugs!. Obviously one plug was near to
> useless, whereas its fellows were just worn.
I knew I remembered this from somewhere... the plugs that came in my
coup-e engine ran for about 45k miles (!) until one day all of a sudden
I was getting backfiring, bucking & power dropouts.
looked at the ole spreadsheet for things that were overdue and those
really long lived Bosch plats got replaced by some new ones. problem
I do tend to think "bucking" in general is more likely to be ignition
than fuel, but just genereally.
> All plugs worked ok in a visual check, which goes to show how useless
> that check is. How the plug behaves when screwed into the engine may be very
> different. (very much worse).
yeah, how bright that little spark is really matters. fat whitish blue
and hot, nice. piddly, yellow, can't see unless its real dark out, is
not a good spark...
Huw Powell
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