diff and tranny lube-(hoping for a quick answer!)

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sat Nov 17 13:58:44 EST 2001

MT90 (GL4) in the tranny, a GL5 fluid (NOT MTL!!!) in the diff. Don't
know the specific Redline lube name for the diff, but it's on their
website. Also Mobil 1 Synthetic Gear lube (75W-90, GL5) would work fine
in the diff, and it may be easier to get if you are in a hurry.


On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 15:31:06 -0700 "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
>I can't find the answers in the archives, so if somebody knows off
>that would be great--Which Redline goes in diff and tranny---I'm
>MTL in diff, and MT 90 in tranny--Correct??  How much of each are
>needed to
>do a whole car(Urquattro--probably same as 4kq)?  Thanks much!!
>'84 ur

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