ATE Power Discs

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at
Sun Nov 18 19:23:53 EST 2001


I fitted the slotted power disks to a Urq and found no difference over the

'normal' type. I think they have done you a favour as the slotted type are
quite a bit more expensive.


 --- Donald Lamond <dlam119 at> wrote: > This is a multi-part
message in MIME format.
> --
> I recently purchased a set of ATE PowerDiscs only to find that the price
> of 40.00US was for solid and not slotted discs.
> That was from the Parts Bin somewhere in NY.
> Donald
> 84 4Ks
> --
> Content-Description: Card for Donald Lamond
> [ dlam119.vcf of type text/x-vcard deleted ]
> --

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