overheating? or normal?

StaticNiche_Quattro StaticNiche_Quattro at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 20 02:57:07 EST 2001

The temp gauge on my '85 4kq stays at about 3/4 during all city driving.
even with the fan turning on every 10 seconds or so it will never get down
to 1/2.  Mine only gets to 1/2 or lower at highway speeds where there's
plenty of airflow.
I'm not sure if my car is normal either, but I do know that it has never
actually overheated and that my radiator was replaced with a brand new one 6
months ago.
I assume that 3/4 is normal, but don't take my word for it.... ask Huw.   :)

-Dan R.
'85 4kq

> > From: Buck Rogers > Subject: overheating? or normal?
> > I recently had my radiator rebuilt and all new hoses
> > and all new belts including a toasted timing belt on
> > my 84 4000S quattro, but theres something thats
> > bothering me... when my car finally gets heated up it
> > goes to about 3\4 on the temp scale for a while then
> > the fan kicks in and it goes to about middle which is
> > normal but only for a second then the fan shuts down
> > and it goes right back up to 3/4 till the fan comes on
> > again! anyone have any ideas?

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