Sagging headliner blues

Wallace White wallace at
Tue Nov 20 07:58:46 EST 2001

Thanks, Jim. I'll post this to the list too--that's good info to have.

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 179k

> Hi Wallace,
> I got this from another list I am on and it works very well.  Also you can spray this into a syringe type of thing (as you could the 3M stuff) and squirt it
> trough a little whole made with the needle, just make sure the material is positioned correctly before pressing it together.
> Jim Bush
> ’88 XR4Ti with the same situation
> “The glue is much more expensive: $14 a can and it takes just a little over one can. Don't scrimp on the glue and forget the 3M product (been there,
> done that). I used "Super Bond Trim Adhesive" by SOSMETAL Maintenance Products (for professionals). Sosmetal No. 211417; bought at the trim
> shop.”

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