Digital Camera Recommendations - for documenting auto repairs?

Phil Payne quattro at
Tue Nov 20 19:33:37 EST 2001

> Bit off topic, but I'm getting tired of using a 35mm camera, getting the
> film developed, then having to scan the pictures (if they come out), when I
> want to document a repair on one of my Audis.
> Any recommendations?

I use a Casio QV-7000SX 1.3 mPixel - it's my second digital camera.

My ideal digital camera, points in rough order::

a) Small/robust/good case/able to withstand use. 'Padded pocket' are good words.
b) >2 mPixel and CF2 cards, not CF.
c) Either LCD viewer in viewfinder, or optical viewfinder.  Not back-of-camera unless switchoffable.
d) USB or PCMCIA adapter to take CF2 card from camera
e) 4 or so 16MB CF2 cards.


a) There's no point having a camera if it isn't around when you want to take pictures.

b) 1.3 mPixel (ca. 450KB per picture) is pretty good.  A little better would be nice - too much takes up too much storage.

c) Trying to use a back-of-camera colour LCD display in bright sunlight is purgatory.  Don't test the viewfinder in the shop - get
out in the light.  Plus they EAT batteries.  I'm not kidding - I carry 12 AA cells all the time in the car.

d) Don't bother trying to download from the camera.  Like teaching a pig to sing.  Get the card out and into an adapter that makes
it look like a hard drive.  You can get Real Neat [TM] USB adapters now that take a CF2 card. My IBM Transnote Portfolio actually
has a CF2 slot on the side.  You don't need ANY editing features in the camera - it's much easier at a desk with a beer.  The Casio
actually builds an HTML file on the CF2 card with thumbnails!

e) You can get over 100 1.3 mPixel shots on a 64MB card - so many is just unmanageable.  Get 4 16MB cards - one for the car, one for
her, one for you, and one for when she can't find hers.

You may also want to look for a tripod socket and remote control for workshop use.

And I'm now about to make a complete PIG os myself - leaving the local supermarket the manager was holding a large (ca. 1lb) pack of
Gravlachs and about to pitch it because it date-expires today.  So for 50c I have a treat in store.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803
  +49 173 6242039

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