Subframe bushing removal tip

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at
Tue Nov 20 21:50:28 EST 2001

 --- Arun Rao <rao at> wrote: > This is a multi-part message in
MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Fellow type 44 owners,
> I'm in the process of rebuilding my front end and I just discovered a
> simple way of removing the bushings:
> 1. Get a propane torch ($11.86 at Home Depot).
> 2. Set the bushings on fire -- from both sides. (Doesn't take much
> doing, esp. with the oil they're covered with).
> 3. Wait for the central core to fall out.
> 4. Pry the outer sleeve out with a screwdriver.

Yep, thats how I did them too. Hate that smell of burning rubber. I could
not get outer sleeve out with screwdriver though. I used a hacksaw to
carefully saw through stopping just before I hit the wishbone and then
knocked it out with hammer/chisel.
Pressed new ones in with vice and a socket over the mount.
Dont forget to give wishbone a coat of paint/waxoil after seeing all that


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