overheating? or normal?

SIMON HOLTBY sholtby at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Nov 20 22:12:25 EST 2001

 --- Buck Rogers <shistahappens at yahoo.com> wrote: > I recently had my
radiator rebuilt and all new hoses
> and all new belts including a toasted timing belt on
> my 84 4000S quattro, but theres something thats
> bothering me... when my car finally gets heated up it
> goes to about 3\4 on the temp scale for a while then
> the fan kicks in and it goes to about middle which is
> normal but only for a second then the fan shuts down
> and it goes right back up to 3/4 till the fan comes on
> again! anyone have any ideas?

Having done all that I hope you also changed the thermostat. Are all the
air deflector plates that go around the rad there side/top and bottom. I
was missing a bottom deftector and noticed a difference in running temp
when it was fitted.


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