tucker smith tuckersmith at
Tue Nov 20 17:04:49 EST 2001


Thanks for the heads-up. I have just posted this message on Audiworld, and I will not hesitate to post it
here. I will not mince words about this Charlatan. I have a LARGE (and growing) list of fraud victims of
Robert C. Hack and Motodyne, and am happy to email it to anyone who is interested. I understand that Mr. Hack
has threatened "Legal Action" against anyone who speaks ill of him. If anyone on this list has encountered
these threats, please contact me.

Motodyne is the "company" of Robert C. Hack. He is a well known CRIMINAL. He also goes by the names Raymond
Keely and Jon Mientz. He has defrauded me and many others. On Ebay, he has been holbert959, RobracerX,
germanubercars, kassandria16, miller216, and now he is lifestyle_26. Check the feedback. He engages in a
practice called "shill-billing" - having multiple names and leaving feedback for himself.

I am organizing a Class-Action Lawsuit against him and "Motodyne". I am in contact with the Police in his
hometown (Cherry Hill, NJ) and they are very close to nailing him. If anyone out there has been swindled by
this CROOK, please contact me ASAP. Thanks.

Tucker Smith
Jackson Hole, WY

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