bombs and eBay

james accordino ssgacc at
Wed Nov 21 08:43:29 EST 2001

This goes for racks, pumps and bombs.  You can use the
earlier (sealing washer type)hoses with any of them,
but you can't use the earlier parts with the later
hoses designed for o-rings.  The machined bosses on
these earlier devices are not large enough to properly
seal the o-rings.  This is what I know, unless anyone
HAS successfully used that configuration.

Jim Accordino

--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at> wrote:
> --
> I'm unaware of paint splotch identification of
> differing "bomb"
> applications on Audi models, but I do know that some
> of the connectors to
> the bombs vary.  The banjo bolts differ and so do
> the sealing
> devices.  Some use O-rings and some use crush
> washers.  The difference
> regarding the seals may be in the way the hose ends
> are made rather than
> the flats on the "bomb" themselves against which the
> seals are
> pressed.   If you get the proper banjo bolt to go
> with the "bomb" you're
> buying, I'd think that the appropriate seal for your
> hose would let you use
> whatever bomb you got.
> There is a guy offering recharging of "bombs":
> russell.s.southerlin at
> Regarding your question about the German language
> ads, I'd think they're
> offerings in Germany.
> Here's a link to the Audifans "unofficial" acronym
> lists:
> At 05:54 PM 11/20/2001 -0700, THOMAS TAUSKEY wrote:
> >Hey,  how come nobody's responded to my inquiry of
> a couple of days ago
> >about bombs and eBay?
> >Not one lousy comment!
> >
> >To restate the two questions posed:
> >
> >Are there different bombs?  I've got one with a
> yellow splotch of paint
> >(probably original) on my
> >'88 5kcs.  I got one off an '86 5k with a green
> splotch of
> >paint.  Different?  Work anyway?
> >And... can they be tested off the car.  Seen
> something about them being
> >loaded when new with
> >2,000 psi of  nitrogen? Indeed, that does make them
> sound "bombly".
> >
> >Second question (disjointed though it may be) -
> most/many of the "audi"
> >items coming up for sale
> >on receent eBay searches are in German - with
> Deutchmark prices.
> >I can't read German (though wish I could) so the
> ads don't do much for
> >me.  Is there a way to
> >filter the eBay search to avoid wasting BW and
> time?
> >
> >P.S.  I find the use of abbreviations (such as BW,
> here meaning
> >"bandwidth") to often be a waste
> >of time... and frustrating.  Comments?
> >Is there some protocol I'm unaware of, like a
> schedule of abbreviations
> >commonly used on on this
> >list?
> >
> >Don't I get any respect here?
> >
> >Seriously,  I do appreciate all the effort put into
> this list. It's a
> >great source of audinfo.
> >
> >Tom Tauskey,   Denver CO
> >'88 5kcs
> >'88 80 fwd
> --

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