80 interior lighting

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Fri Nov 23 23:18:14 EST 2001

David Miller <millerds at muohio.edu> wrote:

>My '90 80Q doesn't havev ery good interior lighting.  In fact, it sucks.
>There's only the small light by the manual sunroof lever to light the entire
>car when dark.  On my most recent trip to the junkyard (yesterday), I picked
>up the interior lights above the doors off of both a 5000S and a 5000tq.
>The pieces differ as the 5000tq lights can be set to light up when a door is
>open while the 5000S lights can only be set on/off (if anyone's interested,
>I'll take pictures of both units).  The units look pretty much identical to
>the blank space I have above my doors, where I figure lights would go if I
>had a 90.  I wsa hoping that there'd be a wiring harness for the lights
>behind the panels in my car, but regretfully, there weren't.  I currently
>have the 5000S light panels installed with the circuitry hooked up to a
>small battery that I attached to the panel.  While I do like having the
>on/off ability of the lights, I'd love it if the lights could come on when
>the doors open.  Any suggestions?

It'll be tough, but you'll have to run a wire to the interior light or the
door switches. I'm in the same predicament, scavenged the lights from my
old 90q to put them in my new 90q but alas, no wires.
Looks like it won't be easy to pull the wires in there either...

Regards, Tom

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