DIY Turbo using diesel bits?

Mihnea Cotet mihnea_cotet at
Sat Nov 24 23:09:14 EST 2001

Brian and gang,

About the KU engine: it is definately a 2226cc engine, 81mm bore and 86.4mm
stroke, 137 HP (101kW) most likely 10:1 CR and no knock sensing seems that this engine could accomodate a maximum of 6psi but
no more and with extremely retarded timing...same problem for my KV

I am putting together a kit to use on my car, using:
MC (1 or 2 still dunno) bottom-end
KV cylinder head, ported and polished, maybe with sodium-cooled exhaust
2.0 turbo diesel 100 turbo that's putting up something like 8psi after the
intercooler and piping.
stock CIS until EFI is ready
early NG/NF ignition system, knock-sensing and using all NG/NF sensors

I am hoping to put out something like 200-ish BHP in stock form (8psi) and a
litle more with adjustable boost pressure ,EFI and a reprogrrammed ignition main concern will be fuel economy so I won't be having 300 HP!!!

I will also be using a URQ downpipe to avoid clearance problems with a 5kt
DP, and most likely, the complete URQ exhaust system, cat-less of course as
my car doesn't have one stock and I wouldn't like it to have such a
restrictive and torque-eating device on it!

Regards from Belgium,

Mihnea Cotet

'85 -OOOO- Coupe quattro

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