motivational message o' the day

James Russell jbr at
Mon Nov 26 11:13:39 EST 2001

Quattro owners:

Mount your snow tires, put on your best leather driving gloves and find the

Sunday, I-90 from Missoula, MT to Bozeman, MT approximately 200 miles.
Snow the whole way, along with a smile on my face.

For some reason full-size 4x4 trucks were a little wary of the fresh snow,
the 4ksq was in the left lane numerous times.  Never needed the diff locks,
but it was nice to know I have them.

There was about 4-5 inches at the local ski hill parking lot, had to play a
bit. Soon as I get my webpage up I will post some pictures.  Went to the
recreation area up in the hills on the other end of town, there was about 4
inches there too.

The most fun was back at campus in the empty parking lot.  Little layer of
ice under the inch of snow, got a little dizzy.  Cookies are good :)

If you don't have snow, go find some! Enjoy the winter weather!

Brad Russell

1984 4ksq 200k

P.S. Washington drivers, the WSP has decided that all-wheel drive vehicles
are required to use chains when they are required on the passes, previously
AWD were excluded from the requirement.  My owners manual states chains
should not be used with the stock tire size.  I know that I am not going to
be carrying chains anytime soon.  My studless snows seem to do the job,
actually I think the quattro is doing the job. I guess if the WSP can catch
me I will take the ticket, or something like that.

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