Cleaning for paint prep?

Brian O' briano_72 at
Mon Nov 26 18:12:14 EST 2001

sandblast ??? or are they not that bad ?? or use heavy
degreaser and a pressure washer then use blow gun, and
dry it off asap !! im prob. telling you to use all
kinds of stuff you dont have huh ?? buy a pressure
washer if you dont have one, you can hose the house,
clean the decks, clean your motor just like the pros
!! get that years of spray lube out of your door jambs
without dirtying your wash mit !!
                                          brian o'
93 90 cs
90 80
89 80 ( for sale cheap )
88 944 turbo s ( for sale expensive )

--- Rob Andrews <randrews at> wrote:
> I plan on repainting the engine bay on my URq and in
> some areas, the paint
> is OK I just need to clean it off.  Other areas had
> rust.  I ground down the
> areas I could, but some areas are near impossible to
> get a brush or
> sandpaper in.  Is there anything I can use to clean
> the paint off?  I am
> afraid to use a water based compound because some
> areas now have bare metal
> and I don't want it rust again :)
> Rob Andrews
> 99 A4 2.8QS   83 Ur-Q

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