snow tires, as usual

c a l i b a n caliban at
Mon Nov 26 21:58:04 EST 2001

	agreed on the nokains.  i have used my car, with hakkas,
	to plow the driveway in tahoe, when the plow guy flakes
	out on us.

At 10:46 PM -0700 11/26/01, Zsolt wrote:
>Same here.
>I just picked up a set of Nokian Hakka NRW and I am very pleased with them.
>We just got a foot of snow over the weekend, and I had the
>opportunity to drive on fresh snow and slush. They performed beyond
>my expectations.
>Haven't tried them on really bad roads yet, because it hasn't been
>very cold yet (-12C) and it melts as they salt the road.
>c a l i b a n wrote:
>>     not for me.  i'm way stoked on my hakka 1 set.
>>     i have a friend looking into these toyo tires, for her
>>     subaru.  they have walnut shells.  "observe".
>>     any opinions on them, out there?
>>  rocky mullin - chaotic good
>>  "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
>>   but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

  rocky mullin - chaotic good
  "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey,
   but spiritual beings on a human journey." -Some Guy

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