black grille finish - stove polish

Roger Mounsey roger-mounsey at
Thu Nov 29 05:51:55 EST 2001

Try do mailorder for Rutland Fireclay Co. products
and list 3 varieties of Rutland Stove Polish at about 35-40% discount +
shipping.  I'd advise the latter 2 if you're going to apply to exterior
surfaces - you'll get a nice satin sheen with buffing, similar to
semi-gloss engine bay paint.
Two caveats - wear plastic gloves and use cotton balls when applying (or
use a paintbrush), and be warned that it is very hard to paint over
silicone afterwards. That being said, you can do everything from
exterior trim to exhaust parts, suspension pieces and engine parts with
this stuff. It derfinitely will retard rusting wherever applied . Oh,
and by the way, if you don't like mailorder, try your local ACE h/w
store. Regards, Roger

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