windshield fluid sprayer
Robert Myers
robert at
Thu Nov 29 16:17:04 EST 2001
Bullpucky, Phil. Absolute nonsense. The colder sample freezes
first. There is simply no way around thermodynamics. The hot sample must
first lose heat to reach the starting temperature of the colder
sample. This takes time during which the colder sample has reached a lower
temperature and/or has started already to freeze.
At 02:50 PM 11/29/01, Phil Payne wrote:
> > Once, while skiing, an ex-engineer demonstrated an interesting
> > phenomena around boiling water and cold temperatures.
> >
> > At -40 degrees (figure it out, C or F), take a bucket full of
> > almost boiling water, and fling the water in the air.
> >
> > Guess what happens? (hint: not what you think)
>The hot freezes first because excess pressure inside a droplet is T/r,
>where T is the surface tension and r is the radius. Two
>effects - surface tension is lower at high temperatures and there is
>energy available as heat, so much smaller droplets can form.
>Mass per unit surface area is less, so freezing is faster.
> Phil Payne
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Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
'95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen ICQ 22170244
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