Timing belt swap... now oil pan

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Mon Oct 1 11:30:51 EDT 2001

First off, thanks again to Huw and Chris for their write ups on the timing
belt procedure.  They were very helpful.  Only thing I would add so far to
Huw's write up is that you have to remove the cam pulley in order to remove
the rear timing belt cover.

Anyhow, I tore everything off, and went to look at the offending crank seal.
I then noticed that it wasn't leaking.  It was perfectly dry.  Turns out it
was the oil pan gasket that was leaking.  I had some suspicion of that, but
it looked like there was some oil coming from the area of the crank seal
before I pulled everything off.  So, yesterday, I made up a tool out of an
old garage door opener, blocks of 4x4 lumber, a c clamp, some threaded rod,
and a piece off of our old swimming pool to pull the front of the engine up
(it looks a lot like the tool shown in the bentley).  I took out the front
bolts of the subframe, pulled it down, unbolted the brace between the
transmission and the engine, and unbolted the oil pan.  The gasket was
definitely where the oil leak was.  The gasket itself had no give to it, it
was very brittle and hard, and there was oil all over the mating surfaces.
I don't think it was doing much as a gasket.

So, today, I am heading out to the local foreign car parts place to get a
new gasket.  Also, I discovered that the oil pan baffle was broken in
several places, and just laying in my oil pan.  It is supposed to be
connected onto the oil pick-up, but had broken off.

I'm gonna try and take some digital pictures of everything today, so that
everyone can see.  At least the good part is, I'll have a nice shiny painted
oil pan now....    ; )

The worst part about the whole thing is, I took the Porsche in to work late
Friday night when I got called in, because the Audi was torn apart.  I was
on my way in, and some ass threw a rock at the windshield of my car while I
was going about 45mph, and shattered the windshield of the Porsche.  Arrrgh.

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq
93' 90 CS
83' 944

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