What oil and air filter to use in 1988 90Q?

Huw Powell audi at mediaone.net
Tue Oct 2 22:09:01 EDT 2001

> What oil filter and air filter can I use in my 90 Quattro, 1988, other than
> what's available from the dealer $$$?

Mann or Mahle are good.

> Also, what gearbox oil (manual) and differential oil to use (climate:
> Canada).

80W90 gear oil, synthetic is fine and maybe better.

> The car has 220 000 km (about 140 000 miles).  Is it OK to use syntetic oils
> in a car this old (I heard opinions that seals will start leaking because of
> the finer molecular structure of synthetic oils).

Synthetic is fine here too... the reason it has a reputation for
"finding" leaks is that it tends to clean up the old oil deposits that
may have accumulated on seals, which due to the crusties covering them
have dried up.  With the crud removed, they start to leak.  So it's not
worth it unless you are going to keep the car awhile and plan on doing
some repairs as time goes by anyway...

Huw Powell



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