Quattro V8 f.s.

William Donley wdonley at pop.charter.net
Wed Oct 3 20:03:10 EDT 2001

 Hi all. A guy @ work has a V8 quattro f.s. It's a '90. Midnight blue, grey
inside. 128K miles. Built in cell, etc. Very clean. Cleaner then my car.
Dog. Oh well, I walk to work, so people can't compare.  Anyway, he's asking
$8,200. Number is 805 545 0728.  Car is in San Luis Obispo, Ca.  Tell him I
sent ya.
 We're right next to the Amtrak station, ride the train, and drive it home!
No financial interest.{except if I can't have it, I'd like to see it go to
a good home}       Bill D.

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