how to adjust eurolights? EUROLIGHTS SUCK!

Tom Nas tnas at
Fri Oct 5 20:01:45 EDT 2001

At 11:54 5-10-01 -0400, JordanVw at wrote:
>yes, i am serious..the euro low beams are inadequate.  ive adjusted them 
>per <> which was given to 
>me a month ago by a lister who helped me w/ the install, who also has 
>euros on his car..   ive adjusted them to those specs, with no 
>improvement.   the problem is the low beams..
>the only way they are acceptable is by running the auxilliary driving 
>lights mounted below the bumper..
>i did everything else by the book..

Have you sorted out the wiring issues? This subject came up a while ago, 
and that turned out to be incorrectly wired headlights- one light grounding 
through the other, something like that.
N/A 100 H4 eurolights are OK, 200 eurolights should be great. I've driven a 
200 at night, had no complaints whatsoever on dark German highways at 
night. And I never used high beam.

Regards, Tom

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