4K CSQ-Head light switch

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Oct 6 21:04:08 EDT 2001

That switch gets overly hot, enough so that it'll melt the plastic bits in 
the harness connector so that they self-weld to the plastic bits in the 
switch itself and the lights will quit working because the connection 
becomes fouled.  It's because Audi elected to run all the power to the 
lights through the switch.

Before your switch fails, relay the lights.

At 09:32 AM 10/05/2001 -0700, ANTHONY ATTARD wrote:

>Hello Audi fans.
>The other day I was driving around with my 4K-CSQ when
>I needed to turn the headlights (HD)on.  The HD switch
>in my 4KCSQ is a tumbler switch. Anyway, the switch
>felt very hot.  Is this normal? Could there be a short
>some where? The switch is relatively new. Thanks for
>any input from anyone in advance.
>Tony.  83 URQ, 86 4K-CSQ, 89 Model 90 Q.
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