Wastegate problems. . . Any thoughts

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Sun Oct 7 09:03:15 EDT 2001

> Here is the problem;  my wastegate is allowing 6psi of guage pressure and
> then it opens and dumps.  This only happens at full throttle when I reach
> 6psi so around 4K rpm I can watch the guage instantly drop from 6psi into
> vacuum.  Right now the WG is connected only to the exhaust manifold, I
> unhooked the connection from the side of the WG which was connected to the
> but that made no difference.  Is this a diaphragm issue or????    The car
> will pull really well up to the rev limit as long as I keep it below the
> dump threshold but it sure would be nice to have 6psi at least up to the
> limit.

Inlet air temperature sender?  On top of the inlet manifold - check good
connections and 11 to 31 ohms at rest.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803

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