Antilock Sensors

brett at brett at
Mon Oct 8 00:08:33 EDT 2001

On Sun, 7 Oct 2001 16:57:21 -0400 cobram at wrote:

> "John Parry" <parryj at> writes:
> > My antilock light comes on after reaching about 5mph. I figure the
> > sensors are out of adjusment as I just replaces both drive axles. 
> > How does one go about adjusting these sensors? I didn't want to pry off
> > the connector at the sensor and I can't see any way of making an 
> > adjusment.
> Assuming you didn't damage the sensor, push or tap it in until it bottoms
> out, then pull out a "hair".  Spin wheel to make sure there's no contact
> with teeth.

An alternative is the "official" replacement caps, pull
each sensor, place a new cap on, push sensor back in all the way.  Done.

The cap is sacrificial, and the teeth on the hub destroy part of the cap, 
leaving a perfectly spaced sensor.  ABS is quite prissy on our cars, if
you can get the caps, they're cheap, and I would recommend that route.
ABS is pretty important :-)

Oh, and if anyone is ever doing something where they have good access to
the teeth on the hub, it's highly recommended that the teeth be cleaned
out; rust forms between the teeth and the ABS controller sees more noise
in the signal.

I'm not sure how much paint would interfere, I'm guessing it would screw
things up, otherwise I would be tempted to suggest a little rustoleum or
similar to keep rust from building up again.  Kind of a poor design, if
you ask me.  Hub replacement shouldn't be necessary on cars.

Anyone tried painting the teeth, and still had ABS work ok?  Phil, you
ever seen this?


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