Squealing/Shrieking noise from behind climate contol head....

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Mon Oct 8 08:41:51 EDT 2001

It sure sounds like a noisy blower motor, Steve. I don't think there is
anything in the CC head that would squeal - a few vacuum switches that might
hiss, but the rest is solid state.
Try manually shutting off the blower motor when you hear the squealing to
see if it goes away. You may have debris in the blower housing rubbing on
the fan or the bearings may have gone bad. A new blower motor should last
longer than 1.5 years, though.

Fred Munro
'94 S4

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Ankney" <ankneys at hotmail.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 8:36 AM
Subject: Squealing/Shrieking noise from behind climate contol head....

> Listers,
> OK, I've been having this little problem with a squealing noise coming
> behind the climate control head on my 88 5000S. At first I thought it was
> the aspirator motor for the interior temp sensor going bad so I replaced
> with a known good one. This seemed to work for awhile but now that I'm
> the CC(heat) more the squealing is back. I thought that maybe I could just
> disconnect the aspirator motor and be done with it but would'nt you know
> the noise is still there after I disconnected it! So obviously it's not
> aspirator motor...
> So...what else could it be? The noise is centrally located somewhere
> the CC head or maybe coming out of the vent directly on top of the
> makes no sense)...
> Has anyone ever experienced a CC head that started to squeal when going
> Anything else that could possibly be in that area that would do this?
> Symptom recap:
> CC head appears to be working fine. Heat/air comes on fine and blows out
> all vent options. After a couple of minutes of running there is a
> sound that gets louder and louder and then stays constant...unless you put
> the heat/air on high, then it goes away....
> The noise is so loud that it can be heard from outside the car. Could it
> something in the plenum area? Thats where the noise seems to be coming
> the loudest when listening to it from the outside. I'm stumped...I thought
> for sure the aspirator motor was the culprit...
> BY the way, the blower motor was replaced with new one a year and a half
> ago...
> Any ideas? I going to try and track down a used CC head tommorow and see
> it makes a difference. Thanks!
> Steve
> 88 5000
> Michigan
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