4K CSQ-Head light switch

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Oct 8 15:30:50 EDT 2001

At 05:38 PM 10/08/2001 +0000, scott miller wrote:

>Lighting and relay makers all recommend adding relays and harnesses to 
>everything, and give plenty of data to support it.  Adding components 
>indiscriminately is just throwing money and effort at the problem 'till it 
>goes away.  You end up with a more expensive and complicated system that's 
>harder to troubleshoot and maintain.  If you're going to relay your 
>taillights "just in case", it'd be simpler to just obtain a spare switch 
>and add it to the parts and tools in your trunk.  Odds are good it's just 
>the light in your switch, as Huw mentioned, and you'll never need it.

If the switches get hot enough to melt the plastic in the harness connector 
(which happened in the case of my wife's 4kq:  I had to cut the wire ends 
out of the burned mess), they also can be getting hot enough to start a 
fire.  A friend of mine lost a '89 or '90 200tq to a wiring fire that 
started with smoke pouring out around the steering wheel (where the 
headlight switch is located).   Everything on/in the car burned.  Couldn't 
even salvage a tire.
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