QLCC and MAC 11/12
Larry C Leung
l.leung at juno.com
Wed Oct 10 19:38:02 EDT 2001
Thanks to all (Bob, Smitty, Phil, et al) whom have replied. I'll dive
into the footwell this weekend, tho Phil's post seems to say I've likely
a MAC-14 and won't be able to use QLCC. Thus possibly endeth the budget
boost solution.
On Wed, 10 Oct 2001 05:04:16 -0400 Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org>
>Pull the ECU and read the label.
>At 11:47 PM 10/8/01, you wrote:
>>Asking List opinion.
>>How do I tell if I have a MAC-11 or MAC-12 (89.5 200Q MC-2)?
>>Does QLCC work with Charlie Spring and MAC-11 or 12?
>>LL - NY
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