Use of Clay Bars

Eric Maxon emaxon at
Thu Oct 11 16:12:38 EDT 2001

On Wednesday, October 10, 2001, 12:05:58 PM, Taka wrote:

T> After washing the car and drying it, you need to keep the clay very well-
T> lubricated while you're running it along the surface of the paint, turning
T> it often. I use quick-detailer spray for lubrication and it works fine-
T> it helped the finish on my hood quite a bit (black paint and VT winters is
T> not a good combo).

I too have had great success w/ clay bars-- and Lube IS the key.
However, I htink the detailing spray is a waste.  The first few times, I
bought Mother's brand, that comes w/ detaling spray. This spray worked
fine, but no better than good old H20 that I use exclusively now.  You
also get a much bigger hunk of "clay" for your money buying someone
elses.  Ex: Mothers gives you 2oz of clay, with useless detailing
spray and a sample of wax for $15.  Excel gives you 8oz of clay, in
bigger, more usable chunks (2 x 4oz) for $25.

Best regards,
 Eric                            mailto:emaxon at

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