Alternator Bearing Part No. trouble

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Oct 13 18:49:41 EDT 2001

Any of these items what you're looking 

At 09:46 PM 10/13/2001 +0100, rob hod wrote:

>     My local Audi parts counter is slowly degenerating into one of those
>sullen organisations where you never see the same parts counter monkey boy
>     A direct result of this is that I only found out that I had the wrong
>bearings for my alternator once it was in pieces on the bench. I wondered if
>any one can help me out with a Part Number to help me fight the monkey boys.
>     Car - 1988 100 Avant 2.0E, Auto tranny. RT 5 cyl engine.
>     Alternator - Bosch 90Amp, Part number 026 903 017BX. What I want is PN
>for the rear ball bearing assy (the one next to the brushes). I know the
>wrong Pn is 054 903 221A 'cos thats what I've got, it has an outside
>diameter of around 32mm whereas the one I want is slightly smaller with an
>Outside diameter of about 28mm
>     Anyone got an ekta they can check on?
>     Thanks

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