NAC--NAC Video Dubbing

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Oct 15 15:45:22 EDT 2001

Any of you electronics specialists know off-hand what's the current 
best/cheapest process for dubbing VHS video tapes?  I have an old, but 
still reliable, VHS camera that uses standard tape on small cassettes, and 
I've always used two player/recorders to copy off the little ones to a 
standard tape.  Haven't used it much in the last couple of years.  Getting 
ready to film wife's nephew's wedding and I discovered one of my $$$ 
players (from 15 years ago) has given up the ghost.  The other one's 
probably not far behind.  Are the two-tape dubber outfits still available 
and now cheap enough to be reasonable?

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