winter tires story

james accordino ssgacc at
Wed Oct 17 14:30:10 EDT 2001

In NE PA we get these same conditions often.  That's
why I went with Artic Alpins.  They seem to work very
well in these conditions.  That's just my $.02

Jim Accordino

--- Phil Payne <quattro at> wrote:
> Here in North Germany we have a very similar effect
> with 'Eisregen'.
> It freezes - minus 6 to 10 Celcius - for a few days.
>  Dry.
> Then an inversion layer comes over from the sea -
> cold upper atmosphere,
> warm middle layer, clod ground layer.
> Then it snows.  The snow melts as it passes through
> the warm layer and then
> refreezes when it hits the ground.
> The effects are weird.  It fills all the cracks
> around a car, encasing it in
> polished ice.  You can get the key in the door, but
> the door is frozen shut.
> On the roads, you get instant black ice.  Then -
> because ice is a good
> insulator - the falling supercooled water stops
> freezing.  The surface that
> results is so slippery you can't stand up on it.
> --
>   Phil Payne
>   +44 7785 302 803
>   +49 173 6242039

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