Radios and such ('90 80Q)

David Miller millerds at
Wed Oct 17 19:51:05 EDT 2001

Since everyone's already on this subject, I thought I'd present my question:
I have a '90 80Q and am looking to be able to play CDs in my car (I
currently have a Wiesbaden in the car).  I like the look of Audi headunits,
and I really like dial control of volume and other things (just seems better
to me for some reason).  I was looking to add maybe an Audi Gamma with CD
changer to my car.  Will it properly control all of my speakers, including
the amplified ones in back?  Will it be able to do bias control and other
things properly?  Of course, if someone else had a suggestion for a radio (I
really don't care if the CD player is in dash or not) with red lighting that
has good frequency response and good radio tuning?  I've heard that Audi
head units aren't too good for audio quality...

David Miller

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