Quantum Syncro Musings

Derek Daily dtdaily at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 17 17:13:41 EDT 2001

RE:  Lifter Ticking or usw?

This loud noise can also be attributed to the vacuum
pumped power braking assist.  Can be lubed, but noise
will come back.  Some have removed the actuator inside
and this does remove the ticks...personally I don;t
touch anything with "brake system" attached. YMMV.  

Lifter tick noticably lessened with syntec IME.

RE:  Valve Cover Gasket.

Pfft.  Typical and an easy fix.  Not a concern AFAIC.

RE:  Diffs

My qsw took around 5 secs, minimum between locking and
unlocking.  The diffs will not automatically unlock at
speed and it is recommended that you DISengage above
15mph and/or going around turns.  Unless you're
tracking and know what you're doing (ask a few folks
about steamboat? I've never been).

TMA (Too Many Acronyms), time for me to go.

I miss my syncro.

Derek Daily
ex 86.5 qsw
www.geocities.com/~dtdaily "The SyncroNized Page"

Derek Daily
dtdaily at yahoo.com

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