Subject: Re: on radios and such

S. Jaworski syljay at
Thu Oct 18 01:44:06 EDT 2001

You can go the cheap way. Buy a portable CD player and connect it to the
radio via cassete tape player plug in. Or, you can buy an FM modulator and
the radio will pick up thru antenna. Radio shack has modulators for about
I burn my own music CD's on my PC.
The portable CD player works fine for me.

I'm watching the ads for portable Cd players that can play MP3 formats. Rio
has one for $150. Some no name brand had one last week for $99.
Six months ago, the prices were $300 and only one model. Another couple of
months and the prices should break the $100 barrier. I might buy one then.

88 5kq
90 100q

> Message: 15
> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 19:20:32 -0400
> To: quattro at
> From: Kent McLean <kentmclean at>
> Subject: Re: on radios and such
> Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at> wrote:
> >I am about to do the radio dance in the 94 100 Avant.  We will be taking
> >that car to Florida for Thanksgiving and I want to have CDs for the trip.
> I've seen ( that there are now stereos with
> CD stereos that also handle MP3.  If you burn your own CDs,
> you can put 10 hours of MP3 music onto one CD. Two CDs
> will get you to Florida; three will get you to Key West.
> I'd be tempted, but I replaced my Bose for $110 about 6 months
> ago. It sounds fine as a radio. No CD.  Sometimes it's nice to
> get a feel for "local" music (or local DJs) as you travel. My 2 cents.
> Kent McLean
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy"

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