temp gauge quit.

Trevor Topley ttopley at sympatico.ca
Thu Oct 18 20:42:51 EDT 2001

Hi every one,
	    my 1990 200q is sitting outside on the drive way while I try and
find it a new owner.
Inside the garage now is a 92/93 S4, Bilstein sports, H & Rs, Big Reds,
17 in Momos with new Goodyear F1's, noisy exhaust, my "Ball & Spring"
manual boost controller set at 2.2bar and a temp gauge that did come up
occasionally but for the last few weeks has not budged.
It's bad enough the S4 not having a voltmeter, but no temp gauge in an
old car makes me nervous and I do not know if the over temp alarm will
even work.
My 200 Bently is all I have, I gather the multi function sensor provides
the signal. Besides having broken/missing locking tabs it only had
power,  9v,  at 1 contact on the connector with ignition on..
Am I right in thinking there should have been power at 2 points?
1 time it came up during warm up and then dropped dead while driving.
I'm "assuming" a bad connection or broken wire but not sure of best way
to trouble shoot.
Are new connectors for the multi function sensor available? Not so easy
to get at on the S4 as under the intake.
I just thought of testing for voltage on the 200, will try that tomorrow
aft to see where it has power.
If anyone has some advice I will be very grateful,
in anticipation
		Trevor Topley
		Elora, Ont.

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