how to replace master cylinder, step by step

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Oct 19 10:07:23 EDT 2001

At 08:29 AM 10/19/2001 -0400, Kent McLean wrote:

>Kneale Brownson wrote:
>>pull off the reservoir (careful prying on the plastic or you'll be
>>buying one of those too),
>Speaking of plastics, here's a "freshness date" question.
>When you go to replace the old rubber and brittle plastic
>bits with "new" factory bits, are the new pieces as old as
>the original bits? That is, does VAG keep a limited supply
>on hand and remanufacture as needed, or do they make
>one big production run when the part is current and let
>it sit on the shelf until the part is ordered years down the
>road (pun intended)?
>I suspect the latter, otherwise parts would not become
>"no longer available".

You're probably correct.  However, the plastic bits on a storage shelf 
aren't exposed to the ageing stresses of heat cycling and chemicals that 
the same bits under a hood experience. 

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