Delta Radio - Screw question

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sat Oct 20 21:25:53 EDT 2001 sells, for about $19-20, a kit of something like 
100 different bits.

You get a bunch of different sized phillips/flat head bits, along 
with square, torx and allen wrenches, along with about 3-4 different 
kinds of security bolts in all sorts of sizes(like those annoying 
pin-in-center torx bolts.)  Perfect for disassembling just about 
anything that someone didn't want you to disassemble :-)

MCM also happens to be a distributor for Caig Chemicals...


At 6:46 PM -0400 10/20/01, TWFAUST at wrote:
>I am trying to remove the face of my 1990 Delta (Blupunkt) radio to 
>replace one of the bulbs. I can't find an Allen wrench small enough. 
>Does anyone have a suggestion? Or, at least know the size so that I 
>know what to ask for?
>Tom Faust

Brett Dikeman
brett at cloud9.[nospam]net

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