Anti-sieze on lug bolts (was A4 Rear Brake Rotors)

Robert Myers robert at
Mon Oct 22 09:44:07 EDT 2001

At 08:13 AM 10/22/01, ricematthews wrote:

> >just a hammer from behind. cover your new one with a
> >light coating of anti sease. if you dont have any, get
> >some, use on your lug bolts too !!
> >                                      brian o'
>I'm curious how many out there use anti-seize on their lug bolts.
>I have heard varying opinions on whether or not this is advisable.
>Obviously, anti-seize would make your lug bolts come off easier
>(intentionally  :-)  ).......then again, they also may make your lug bolts
>come off easier (unintentionally  :-<  )

And failure to use anti-seize can (under some conditions of climate, road 
treatment, and/or phase of the moon) virtually prevent _intentional_ 
removal of lug bolts without use of an impact wrench.  If you do not use 
anti-seize you may find that the bolts will need to be retorqued after 
driving a few miles.  The anti- seize permits application of the proper 
torque to the lug bolts on the first attempt.  BTDT.

  Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
  Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
  '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244

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