Broken Odometer (any BTDT?)

Swann, Benjamin R. (BSWANN) BSWANN at
Mon Oct 22 10:49:38 EDT 2001

The 4000 speedometer/odometer is totally different form the 5000 unit.

[Had this happen on my '84 4000 once.  Is your speedo working?  If it is,
problem is inside the speedo case.  In my situation, the little brass gear
that drives the tenths digit began slipping on its drive shaft.  It was
temperature-sensitive, working better when it was cold.  I fixed it by
disassembling the unit and flattening the drive shaft slightly where the
drive gear sits on it.  I'm sure there are at least several other things
that could be wrong instead of this.

Wayne Dohnal]

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